Have you ever needed your parents or friends to bail you out of a financial mess as an adult?
Believe me, I can relate. I made so many mistakes I’m almost embarrassed to admit it to you.
The book is based on how I raised my own two girls, after becoming a single parent. My daughters, who at ages 9 and 11 started their own successful business, used this simple money management system to put them well on the road to financial freedom. They know more at their age about finances than I did in my late 30′s.
“How this book will help you … and your children”
Over the last few years, my friends and acquaintances have encouraged me to write about teaching kids to be financially independent , I’m now ready to share it with you.
Inside, you’ll discover tips and strategies about getting kids on board with learning about money.
If you’re looking for practical advice, directly “from the trenches”, written by someone with xperience, I can help you! This book will transform the way you look at kids and money .
Here’s a sample of what’s inside The Lemonade Stand Millionaire:
- The best ways to introduce money concepts to kids.
- Insider strategies for getting kids to own responsibilities for their actions.
- How to avoid the ‘do it for them trap
- A money management system your kids will understand
- Instantly improve your relationship with your kids
- 2 Ways to overcome the thought that kids must think like we do
- The giant myth about waiting till your kids are older to teach them about money and why it’s untrue
“This Book Works for Parents Like You and Me”
One of my close friends recently told me, “I wish I knew as much about money as your kids do, they are amazing”.
Act now, grab the book, and transform your kids financial future today!
Kind regards,
Gail Diamond